Red Action Delegation - Belfast
August 6, 7, 8: The biggest Red Action delegation for years travelled to the annual West Belfast Festival. The majority there for the first time. The impression made was considered invaluable in regard to taking in the bigger political picture both over here, as well as over there. (full report here)
Celtic - Glasgow
Despite work around Celtic Park remaining impressive, sales of the Red Action bulletin, which currently sell at an average of 10 bulletins per seller, will only continue to rise if supply meets demand: ie. if there are more sellers.
National Civil Rights Movement - London
September 19: Plans by London AFA to secure a stall at a National Civil Rights Movement benefit in Hackney were continually thwarted by the organisers who insisted there was no room. Only the NCRM itself, the ANL, 'Friends of Garvaghy Rd' (or Gadaffi Rd as the organiser insisted on calling them!) were facilitated. Why AFA, who are represented on the NCRM Steering Committee, were not invited was not adequately explained. Instead people were leafleted on the way in. Less than 200 attended.
Royal National Theatre security was called after a couple of AFA leafleters were spotted distributing material to people attending the play 'Lawrence Story' in order to highlight issues relating to race attacks. Not only did one 'jobsworth' stop further distribution but attempted to retrieve those already handed out. Following negotiations 200 leaflets were placed on a stall in the lobby next to recruitment leaflets for the Metropolitan police!
Tiocfaidh Ar La - Birmingham
September 11: In the face of confident forecasts, a benefit organised by West Midlands AFA in conjunction with the hugely popular and influential Celtic fanzine Tiocfaidh Ar La was something of a let down. Haphazard organising and a failure to put in the required amount of work to guarantee a respectable turn-out meant the attendance was poor. Must do better.
Cable St. Beat - Brighton
October l: Cable St. Beat gig in Brighton, despite a relatively small attendance of less than 200, proved hugely successful politically and financially with fresh contacts established. The AFA stall doing steady business throughout the evening and £300 made on the door.
Reproduced from RA Vol 4, Issue 3, Oct/Nov '99
August 6, 7, 8: The biggest Red Action delegation for years travelled to the annual West Belfast Festival. The majority there for the first time. The impression made was considered invaluable in regard to taking in the bigger political picture both over here, as well as over there. (full report here)
Celtic - Glasgow
Despite work around Celtic Park remaining impressive, sales of the Red Action bulletin, which currently sell at an average of 10 bulletins per seller, will only continue to rise if supply meets demand: ie. if there are more sellers.
National Civil Rights Movement - London
September 19: Plans by London AFA to secure a stall at a National Civil Rights Movement benefit in Hackney were continually thwarted by the organisers who insisted there was no room. Only the NCRM itself, the ANL, 'Friends of Garvaghy Rd' (or Gadaffi Rd as the organiser insisted on calling them!) were facilitated. Why AFA, who are represented on the NCRM Steering Committee, were not invited was not adequately explained. Instead people were leafleted on the way in. Less than 200 attended.
Royal National Theatre security was called after a couple of AFA leafleters were spotted distributing material to people attending the play 'Lawrence Story' in order to highlight issues relating to race attacks. Not only did one 'jobsworth' stop further distribution but attempted to retrieve those already handed out. Following negotiations 200 leaflets were placed on a stall in the lobby next to recruitment leaflets for the Metropolitan police!
Tiocfaidh Ar La - Birmingham
September 11: In the face of confident forecasts, a benefit organised by West Midlands AFA in conjunction with the hugely popular and influential Celtic fanzine Tiocfaidh Ar La was something of a let down. Haphazard organising and a failure to put in the required amount of work to guarantee a respectable turn-out meant the attendance was poor. Must do better.
Cable St. Beat - Brighton
October l: Cable St. Beat gig in Brighton, despite a relatively small attendance of less than 200, proved hugely successful politically and financially with fresh contacts established. The AFA stall doing steady business throughout the evening and £300 made on the door.
Reproduced from RA Vol 4, Issue 3, Oct/Nov '99